Social Security Disability Programs

What You Need to Know About Social Security Disability Programs
Determining which disability program(s) you may be eligible for can be complicated. Here at Schott Mauss & Associates, we are skilled in reviewing your unique circumstances to determine which program(s) you should file for. We specialize in helping our clients file and/or appeal for any of the following disability programs:

Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”)
Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI is a program for disabled or blind persons funded through your Social Security payroll taxes. You are considered “insured” under this program if you have worked for a certain number of years and paid your FICA taxes, allowing you to have earned enough work credits.

Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”)
Supplemental Security Income or SSI is a financial needs-based program for blind and disabled persons based solely on you and your family’s income and assets. Generally, you must have less than $2,000 in assets (or $3,000 as a couple) and a limited income in order to be eligible for this program.

Children’s Disability Benefits
If you have a child who is unmarried and is under the age of 18, or under the age of 22 and attending school, and your child has conditions limiting his or her functioning, your child may qualify for Supplemental Security Income or SSI for children. This is a needs-based program. Your child’s eligibility depends on your child’s income and resources and your income and resources.

Adult Child Disability Benefits
An adult may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI benefits if they have been disabled since childhood. This type of benefit may be available to you if you are an adult who is able to prove that you were disabled prior to turning age 22. You are eligible under this program if one of your parents is deceased or receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits.

Widower’s and Surviving Spouse’s Benefits
If you are the widow or widower of a person who contributed enough Social Security payroll taxes, you may be able to begin receiving disability benefits at the age of 50 years old if you are disabled and your disability began before or within seven years of your spouse’s death.

Call Us Now For Answers To Your Eligibility Questions In A Free Consultation
Learn more about the various disability programs in a free consultation with one of our attorneys at Schott Mauss & Associates. Our attorneys are happy to discuss the disability programs conducive to you obtaining the benefits you deserve.

Call a lawyer at our Des Moines office today at (515) 277-4727 or contact us online. We are here to listen and help.

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